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$61.95Price : $39.15
Code : B00008Y0TM
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Product Feature
- Celestron 2x - 1-1/4" - Omni Barlow Lens - 93326
Product Description
Double your pleasure! Celestron's Omni, 1.25-inch, 2X Barlow lens is on everyone's list of absolute must-have accessories. A very good entry-priced Barlow, it will make quite a difference in your telescope's performance. The Barlow lens doubles the magnifying power of any eyepiece it's used with. For example, an 18mm eyepiece used with a 2X Barlow lens would have the magnifying power of a 9mm eyepiece. And on a telescope with, say, 1,500mm focal length, magnification would jump from 83X without the Barlow to 166X with it. It's like having two eyepieces in one! No wonder folks like them: they can instantly double their eyepiece collection. 2x Barlow Lens that doubles magnification. 1.25 inch format design. For use with all 1.25 inch eyepieces. Low profile, 2-element design. Fully-Multicoated optical design with blacked lens edges.
Product Detail
- Size: 1.25 in.
- Brand: Celestron
- Model: 93326
- Dimensions: 6.00" h x8.00" w x8.00" l,1.00 pounds
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Related Seller :Product Reviews
34 of 37 people found the following review helpful.
Great barlow for Celestron 21024
By Adam Jacobs
I picked up a Celestron 21024 3" tabletop reflector, hoping to get my feet wet in backyard astronomy. The scope actually turned out quite nice, but with its short focal length, the effective magnifications even with a 4mm eyepiece were pretty low. I tried some other barlow eyepieces, none of them would even focus.
The Celestron Omni barlow worked great on that telescope, and I was actually able to make out the bands on jupiter using the barlow, a 12.5mm plossl, and the celestron 21024. I was pretty surprised. If you have the celestron 21024, you'll want this barlow.
20 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
Much better viewing...
By Bill Rulo
I am new to astronomy so I went out on a limb and purchased this Barlow lens for my Celestron 80mm EQ Refractor. It works well. Keep in mind the lens seems to let in less light but I could see Mars, Saturn, the Orion Nebula and several star clusters with good clarity. I only have 10mm and 25mm eyepieces and this doubles my set. I live in an area with terrible conditions for backyard astronomy but this piece has brought out a few more objects. Next I'll try some Celstron Omni eyepieces.
13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
using my barlow lens
By star lady
I just purchased an Orion 8 inch telescope--without the barlow Saturn's rings are nearly invisable when I use just the eyepiece that came with the scope. When the barlow is attached Saturn becomes amazing! I love this product and am considering purchasing a 4x to see what the difference is--I recommend this lens highly. If you are into astonomy-this is a must buy![[ASIN:B00008Y0TM Celestron Omni 2X Barlow Lens.
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